「让」字有 5 画 . 「让」是 3500 个常用字之一 . 「让」有 1 个读音, 「让」的读音有 「ràng」 . 查看「让」笔顺>>


v.: concede; give way/ground; yield (to); surrender; invite; offer (drinks, tea, etc to guests); convey; transfer; let; allow; make way (for sb/sth)


让车道 passing bay; passing lane/track

让位子 make a place (for sb)

让来访者进来 show the visitor in

让一个球 concede a goal (to sb)

让马达空转 idle down the motor

让孩子进来 let the child in

车让行人 yield to pedestrians in crosswalk

让某人及格 give sb passing marks

让木头干透 let the wood dry out

让车标志 yield sign

让眼睛歇会儿 rest one's eyes

让学生罚站 stand pupils as punishment

让学生解散 dismiss the students

开局让棋法 gambit

避免让别人下不来台 avoid embarrassing others

给企业让权 concede power to enterprises

让某人服用抗生素 put sb on antibiotics

让马歇一会儿 give the horse a rest

潮湿得让人难受 be unpleasantly moist

让我把话说明白 let me be clear

