「肉」字有 6 画 . 「肉」是 3500 个常用字之一 . 「肉」有 1 个读音, 「肉」的读音有 「ròu」 . 查看「肉」笔顺>>


n.: meat; flesh; keeping fowls or domestic animals for their meat or flesh; pulp; flesh/meat (of fruit)

adj.: spongy; mushy; slow-moving


羔羊肉 lamb [the meat]

椰子肉 coconut meat/kernel

一片肉 a slice of meat

叉肉 harpoon up meat

肉馒头 steamed bun with meat stuffing

烟熏肉 smoked meat; bacon

痒痒肉 ticklish spot

鲑鱼肉中毒 salmon poisoning

粗纤维肉 coarse-fibred meat

叉烧肉 grilled pork

牛眼肉 rib-eye; rib eye

肉和蔬菜 meat and vegetables

肥实的肉 fatty meat

把肉切成块 cut the meat into cubes

剔排骨上的肉 pick meat from the ribs

烤得恰到好处的肉 meat roasted to a turn

