「看」字有 9 画 . 「看」是 3500 个常用字之一 . 「看」有 2 个读音, 是一个多音字 「看」的读音有 「kàn」 「kān」 . 查看「看」笔顺>>


v.: look after; take care of; tend; keep under surveillance; keep an eye on; see; read; watch; look at; judge; think; consider; look upon; regard as; see or consult a doctor; treat a patient or an illness; call on; visit; depend/hinge on; mind; take care; watch out

aux.: try and see (what happens)


看手表 check one's watch

看照片 look at a photo

看罗盘 read a compass

看房展 visit a housing exhibition

看影集 look over a photograph album

看新闻 watch the news

看一下 have a look

看相术 physiognomy

往上看 look up (at sth)

看博客 read a blog

看房子 keep watch over a house

看稀罕 enjoy the rare sight (of)

看多者 bull

看录像 watch a video;watch a videotape

看铺子 mind a store

往前看 look forward

看不真确 can't see clearly

看大戏 watch a full-scale opera

看地图 read a map (of)

看闲书 do some light reading

