「权」字有 6 画 . 「权」是 3500 个常用字之一 . 「权」有 1 个读音, 「权」的读音有 「quán」 . 查看「权」笔顺>>


n.: steelyard weight; expediency; adaptability; power; authority; right; advantageous/favourable position

v.: weigh; measure; balance

adv.: temporarily; tentatively; for the time being


传唤权 subpoena power

使节权 right of legation

抵销权 right of set-off

上诉权 right of appeal

检查权 right of inspection

提存权 drawing right

渔业权 fishery/fishing right

答辩权 right of reply

探望权 right of visiting

请愿权 right of petition

捕鱼权 right of fishery; fishing right; fishery

解约权 right of rescission

租借权 lease

结社权 right of association

公诉权 right of prosecution

堤岸权 riparian right

缔约权 treaty power; treaty-making power

大赦权 right of amnesty

配偶权 spouse's rights

催告权 right of interpellation

