「有」字有 6 画 . 「有」是 3500 个常用字之一 . 「有」有 2 个读音, 是一个多音字 「有」的读音有 「yǒu」 「yòu」 . 查看「有」笔顺>>


v.: exist; there be; have; have got; own; possess; certain; some


有车一族 car owners

有文化 be literate

有斗志 have fight in one

有心劲儿 have analytic(al) ability

有篷马车 closed horse-drawn carriage

有剧毒 be highly poisonous

有血债 have blood on one's hands

有疑问 have a question

有良心 have a conscience; be good-hearted

有理化 rationalization

有失体面 lose face; disgrace oneself

有意义 have meaning; be meaningful

有用场 be useful

有结果 have a result

有本事 be capable

有心事 have sth on one's mind

有口臭 have bad breath

有磁性 be magnetic

有胃口 have an appetite (for)

有心路 have brains

