「报」字有 7 画 . 「报」是 3500 个常用字之一 . 「报」有 1 个读音, 「报」的读音有 「bào」 . 查看「报」笔顺>>


v.: report; inform; tell about; submit a report (to); reply; respond; reciprocate; repay; reward; show gratitude to; retaliate; revenge

n.: newspaper; periodical; journal; bulletin; report; telegram:


报火警 report a fire;report a fire

报账单 cheque sheet

有线电报 wire telegraph; cablegram

报税单 duty/tax declaration form; taxation form; bill of entry

报到处 registration desk

慰问电报 telegram of sympathy

报荒数儿 give rough figures

不图还报 expect no return

报三门选修课 register for three optional courses

报杀父之仇 avenge one's father's death

《基督教科学箴言报》 The Christian Science Monitor

