「房」字有 8 画 . 「房」是 3500 个常用字之一 . 「房」有 1 个读音, 「房」的读音有 「fáng」 . 查看「房」笔顺>>


n.: house; room; house-like structure; branch of an extended family; wife; fang


签押房 correspondence registry

糕点房 bakery; bakeshop

扳道房 switchman's cabin

限价房 limited-price housing; price-capped housing

桌球房 billiard room/hall; billiard saloon/parlour; poolroom

搓澡房 scrub corner

马车房 carriage house

高价房 high-priced housing

接羔房 lamb-delivery room

精装房 exquisitely-decorated housing; deluxe room

抽水房 pumping room

矿灯房 lamp house

房产权 building/house property right/title

平顶房 flat-roofed house; bungalow

起步房 starter home

学区房 school district house; school district property; elite school property

小产权房 housing with limited property right

岩浆库/房 chamber of magma

