「声」字有 7 画 . 「声」是 3500 个常用字之一 . 「声」有 1 个读音, 「声」的读音有 「shēng」 . 查看「声」笔顺>>


n.: sound; voice; message; news; reputation; fame; initial of a Chinese syllable; tone

v.: make a sound; declare; state


橹声 sound of rowing a boat

漫射声 diffuse noise

声脉冲 pulse of sound

振动声 chatter

声光学 acoustooptics

厮杀声 sounds of battle

呼噜声 snore

齁声如雷 snore loudly

快乐的嬉笑声 happy laughter

噼啪的鞭子声 snap of a whip

听到窸窣声 hear a rustle

和声小音阶 harmonic minor scale

有理不在声高 making a lot of noise doesn't constitute a sound argument

发出短促的干咳声 emit short dry coughs

