「包」字有 5 画 . 「包」是 3500 个常用字之一 . 「包」有 1 个读音, 「包」的读音有 「bāo」 . 查看「包」笔顺>>


v.: wrap; include; contain; cover; conceal; undertake the whole thing; take on everything; contract; assure; guarantee; charter; hire; surround; encircle; envelop

n.: bundle; package; pack; packet; parcel; bag; sack; protuberance; swelling; lump; bump; yurt; coward; good-for-nothing; weakling

quant.: bundle; packet; pack; package; box

adj.: cowardly; weak; incompetent


水晶包 steamed dumpling stuffed with lard and sugar

引爆包 burster

航空包 airline bag

塑料包 plastic bag

包租费 charter fee

鱼竿包 fishing rod case

包礼品 wrap (up) a gift

空投包 parapack

信使包 messenger bag; courier bag

邮差包 messenger/courier bag

洗漱包 cosmetic bag

包车夫 rickshaw man in sb's employ

包雅座 charter a private chamber

礼品包 gift parcel

手术包 surgical kit

拉链包 zip-bag

救生包 survival kit

安全防身包 safety handbag

应用软件包 application suite

树干上的包 protuberance on a tree trunk

