「到」字有 8 画 . 「到」是 3500 个常用字之一 . 「到」有 1 个读音, 「到」的读音有 「dào」 . 查看「到」笔顺>>


v.: arrive; reach; get to; go to; leave for; be thoughtful/considerate


到货价 delivery/delivered price

认识到缺点 realize one's shortcomings

搬家到上海 move to Shanghai

到内地去 go inland

一月到五月 from January to May

到教堂躲难 seek refuge in a church

意识到错误 become conscious of one's mistake

躲闪到一旁 dodge aside

减少到一半 reduce to half

闪躲到一旁 make a dodge aside

到室外去 walk outdoors

到城里去 go to town

搬迁到住宅区 move to the residential area

到银行结账 square accounts with a bank

上告到中央 appeal to the Central Government

到基层锻炼 temper oneself in grass-roots unit

线上到线下 online to offline (O2O)

扛到肩上 carry (sth) on one's shoulder

从一般到具体 from generalities to particulars

想得很到 be very thoughtful

