「别」字有 7 画 . 「别」是 3500 个常用字之一 . 「别」有 2 个读音, 是一个多音字 「别」的读音有 「bié」 「biè」 . 查看「别」笔顺>>


v.: leave; part (from); differentiate; distinguish; turn; change; fasten with a pin/clip; pin; clip; clip into; stick in; trip; stumble; stop sb (by putting sth or one's foot in front of him); dissuade (from); win over

n.: difference; distinction; classification; category; group

pron.: other; another

adj.: unique; unusual; uncommon; special; miswritten; misspelled; mispronounced

adv.: don't; had better not


别某人一脚 trip sb (with one's foot)

别无他意 have no other intentions

把头发别起来 pin up one's hair

别无他故 have no other reasons

